Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Concluding Thoughts of Second Life.

We ventured into a program that I was very much interested with.  I could see myself using this program a lot in my spare time.  Now that we have reached the end of the semester, I must admit that my feeling have changed about this program.  I think it is a well designed program, but not for me.  I worry about too much things going on in my real life, and I consider that a good thing.  If I were to spend too much time in Second Life, it would effect me possibly in a negative way in real life.  I like the idea of the program because there are people out there who want to live a fantasy life, and this is the perfect opportunity for them.  The customizing is endless and I can see why it remains attractive over some other basic social video games.  I felt like the program was a lot more difficult then it needed to be.  There where way to many options just off the main HUD would send the viewer to go a little crazy.  I have looked at all the options of what I could do in Second Life, and it just seems beyond the norm of what the average person would do.  Again, I'm not bashing on the program, I just don't think its for me.  I am a more hands on kind of guy and I travel everywhere physically in the real world.  The type of artwork that I do would not pertain to Second Life in a great way because I have other options when it comes to other platforms to show my work that have proven to be a lot more effective (such as YouTube).

I really enjoyed getting the time to learn the program inside and out.  I loved how our ARTS 450 class her at CSU Chico decided to take an experimental turn in dealing with the way we present art.  I believe this is what makes CSU Chico's art program so great is because of the risks, as students, we make in these experimental programs.

I have to get going but it has been a great experience and I'll never forget all the art memories I have had in Ayres Hall and for the rest of the California State University, Chico!  Thanks for everything Nan!

Final Class, Final Presentations.

Today was our last class meeting but for the finals.  Today was the day that I showed the theatre off to my class.  Before I showed my project off, Eli went ahead and showed off his artwork.  He created a dumpster that you could actually go inside and see a gallery!  There were pictures of artworks that have sold for millions of dollars, even some that would sell for over $100 million!  Eli made the point that he thought these works were not that professional and don't deserve to be sold for that much.

I then showed off my theatre.  Everyone seemed to gave a good time checking it out, and I ended up showing off a few PREF1X music videos while the class was in Second Life.  Ann, who is a master to us at Second Life, was proud that I accomplished the theatre in as many prims as I did.

Next up was Kate.  We flew into a sphere that had us inside a globe.  Once inside, we saw floating pictures of the artist, along with a web of words (that are her thoughts).  All the words are connected like a brainstorm map, and then there are gears spinning around accompanying the animation.

 XiaoQing created a UFO shaped building that is always rotating, inspired by a case study for a future rotating skyscraper in Dubai.  It was pretty fascinating but because of the technical difficulties, our avatars wee not able to enter the structure.  The work was very sought after, but only a true second life expert may have the possibility of completing this rotating building.

Corrie created a dream bedroom with a lot of high visual imagery that included photos of landscapes, drawings, and mini planets that would rotate.  It was very nice to hear that her inspiration came from a high school and college dream room.  This was basically the translation of what was in her head.  It was very saturated and stimulating.

Lizzy showed us a brain floating in the air with a creepy long tail that would flop back and fourth.  It was suppose to be a recreation of a work she made in real life.  She also had a separate artwork that included a frame that would show off a bunch of her real life paintings.  It would flash every so few seconds with a different work.

Last up was the team of OT1+OT2 (or that's what they like to refer to them selves as.  They created a building that was pretty cute and was made with what I believe was just only a few prims.  But for some reason with my SL viewer, I wasn't able to see a building shape.  I saw a bunch of spheres that made up the building space, but that was it.  Seeing it on a mesh enabled viewer, the building seems completely solid.  It was a very fun concept where the lamb animal cookies play as the characters in this work.  Some of these lambs were floating in the air by a single balloon.  Again, very cute!

It looks like all the Second Life projects have been presented.  What a wonderful semester of exploring a new program.  Very groundbreaking!

Finished Theatre!

Today was a day full of finishing my theatre.  I had so many problems completing this because of the mega prims.  These prims were so tricky because editing them seemed very glitchy.  Plus, I could never adjust the size, so I had to stay with the original size of the walls that Ann gave me.  It was very frustrating but once I started to get all the pieces together, including the roof, I started feeling very confident.  I was able to  add textures, like carpets to all the floors, and fix the curtains for the walls.  I then set the screen up so it would view a trailer of the musician I represent named PREF1X (pronounced prefix).  I added all the outside walls so that it looked like a modern building that I was used to seeing in my hometown of Sacramento, CA (since this theatre was a little bit of inspiration for my finished work).

After much stressing, drawing up blue prints, and putting all the pieces together, I was finally complete with my theatre!

First Wave of Second Life Presentations

Today we went and visited each area for where the ARTS 450 students hosted their Second Life projects.  First we checked out Terrence's live DJ Performance, with strobe lights.  The bottom floor even had a gallery of his other artworks.  He played a bunch of pop music from over the years and remixed those songs with a dubstep flavor.  He had to use a lot of scripts because of the moving graphics for his DJ set up.

Next up was Jamie and Brianne.  They collaborated on a project that showed off the nighty starry sky. , with illustrations of constellations.  It was called "Spark of Heavenly Fire."  The constellations are images of females of the past. , present, and future who excel at roles that men are usually know to have.  There were notecards that told a description of each of the characters.

We then checked out Tara's project.  We arrived at an autumn color space that had a bunch of umbrellas and some that were actually spinning.  Each umbrella seem to offer different textures.  The whole place ended up being around 200 prims!  Some of the umbrellas had interesting transparencies.  Kuya said that their should be chairs for people to sit on, but the problem was solved when people started sitting on all the umbrellas.  There were so many of them that they resembled mushrooms!

Kuya showed us his land that had a basic set up of showing off his artworks.  Now the interesting part of this area is the matter of how you look at these flat artworks.  You would have to sit in a designated chair to get a perspective of an artwork that Kuya created in Photoshop.  You needed to look at it from the right perspective because the layers floated towards the viewer.  Very exciting!

Jenny was up next showing of a gallery that featured works that included 3D sculpting.  There was also even pictures that showed her avatar posing.  Very interesting to take photos of an avatar!  Very nice building that was calm and very inviting.

Karen was last up today.  She showed off a story book that was in her inventory.  She took out the book and we read it as a class.  You can click through the pages and featured all of her original illustrations.  It was very cute!

Until next time, time to finish my theatre for next class!