Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I've started my Second Life!

You've read the title correctly.  I'm still living in my first life too.  I have entered the online virtual world of Second Life, a community where people can do just about anything together.  The reason I created an avatar in this world is because of the Art 450 class I'm taking this semester at Chico State, which happens to be my last semester until I graduate!

I started off creating an avatar that was based on a robot, so later I can have an influence I want to create later.  I named the robot avatar "Poweezy."  This is a nickname I've used for years that most of my friends can identify myself by, plus some of the characters of the word are made up from my last name, Powell.  Everything was smooth from starting an account by logging my information in, to installing the Second Life application on my MacBook.  I logged into my account today for the first time and there was some issue with the internet connection, or something related to that.  I'm on Chico State's internet so hopefully it doesn't give us that problem often since this is where I'll predominately enter into my Second Life account. I'm hoping my instructor, Professor Wylde will assist me with the issue I'm having so I can progress with my adventure through this online community to be able to show off my artwork.  I'm heading to class today to address the issue so I'll communicate with you guys soon on how that goes!

Until next time!

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